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Clay Shooting

LCSA members have the option of purchasing a sporting clays and trap/skeet/5-stand prepaid cards. These cards will give members access to the sporting clays course, skeet fields, trap fields and 5-stand 7 days a week (sunrise to sunset for sporting clays). No need to stop in the clubhouse anymore, just show up, grab your gear and shoot away.  It's another major improvement to LCSA and we are striving to push clay shooting sports above and beyond.

Sporting Clays

Sporting Clays 

Our 20 station sporting clays course has 4 traps per station. There are now over 300 different 100 bird course combinations possible! And with the addition of our new Long Range wireless system, the course is running better than ever!


View Sporting Clays Orientation Video


View Clay Kiosk How-to Video


View Cart Rental Video


Cost: per 100 Targets
$32.00 Members with count down card
$37.00 Members on Sunday at counter
$47.00 Non-Members
$23.00 Juniors

Cost: per 50 Targets
$23.50 Members on Sunday at counter
$28.50 Non-Members
$13.50 Juniors

Cart Rental:
4 Man Carts - $20.00 available on Sundays

Cart Rental Program is available for those that have purchased a Sporting Clays card.
Carts available sunrise to sunset.
One time $20 card activation fee.
$20 per rental per visit.


Skeet Fields

Skeet and Trap

We offer 3 lit skeet fields with voice activated release available in the clubhouse. We also have 2 lit trap fields (both voice activated). Trap field 1 is set up for doubles only and trap field 2 is set up for singles only.


View Skeet Orientation Video


View Trap Orientation Video


Cost: per round of 25 targets
$5.25 Members
$6.75 Non-Members
$3.75 Juniors

5-Stand and Wobble Trap

5-Stand and Wobble Trap

Wobble trap is located in the 5-Stand building. It operates off of the Skeet and Trap target cards. We have a controller that will use the Sporting Clays target card or a 5-Stand target card.


5-Stand Orientation Video


Cost: per round of 25 targets
$8.00 Members
$10.00 Non-Members

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